Evolution Of Cellular Networks
Evolution of cellular networks Mobile connectivity has evolved from being the infrastructure for human communication to telemetry, machine-to-machine and the internet of things applications. The mobile technology evolution from 1G to 4G and 5G The first version of mobile connectivity – 1G – introduced wireless voice. In 2G, roaming and SMS messaging were introduced and were later enhanced with GPRS for data communication. SMS messaging and GPRS became widely used for basic telemetry. Roaming made mobile technology suitable for deployments in multiple countries. Telenor was one of the first operators to offer M2M communications with things connected over the 2G network as early as the 1990s. 3G became a truly global standard and combined the best of competing technologies in a single standard. 3G evolutions were mainly centered around high speed data applications. 4G introduced LTE technology used for devices constantly connected to the internet. 4G answered the consumer need for bandwi...